Amazing Lightning Illuminates The Sky Over Miami, Florida

Dusk and night time lightning show offshore the Port of Miami at Biscayne Bay in Miami Florida. Thunderstorms over the Atlantic Ocean producing high frequency intracloud lightning and some cloud to ground lightning. Airplanes flying near lightning producing thunderstorm. No audio.
Shot Description

00:00 Four clips of lightning illuminating thunderstorms clouds just offshore the Port of Miami at dusk.
00:19 Wide shot of airplane flying high around lightning producing storm.
00:27 Tight shot of upper part of thunderstorm with intracloud lightning. An airplane flies near it will lightning illuminating the clouds.
01:05 Tight shot of top of thunderstorm with clear sky above while lightning brightly lights the top of the cloud.
01:09 Wide shot of Dodge Island with a into-the-blue cloud to ground lightning strike behind.
01:14 Frequent intracloud lightning off Dodge Island while an airplane navigates around to the north side of the storm.
01:48 Frequent intracloud and into-the-blue lightning off Dodge Island.
02:15 Intracloud lighting offshore Port Miami and Biscayne Bay. Wide.
02:20 Tighter shots of lightning offshore Fisher Island.

SID: Brian Dombrowski
#Lightning #Miami #florida #FLWX

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