Ice Storm Accumulation In Kalamazoo Michigan – 2/22/2023

Substantial ice accumulation on trees, objects and various surfaces across Kalamazoo County, Michigan caused by an ice storm across West Michigan. Most roadways, highways and Interstate 94 was wet with only a few ice patches along exit ramps at the time this video was recorded on Wednesday afternoon.
Shot Description

00:00-00:20 – Ice accumulation on sign with moving traffic in background, medium shot.
00:21-00:32 – Ice accumulation on sign with passing traffic in background, wide shot.
00:32-00:36 – Ice storm warning sign on US-131 in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, mobile shot.
00:37-00:41 – Ice accumulation glaze hanging from stop sign with passing SUV, wide shot.
00:42-00:46 – Ice accumulation glaze hanging from sign, passing car, tight shot.
00:46-00:51 – Ice accumulation glaze hanging with passing traffic, water ponding on roadway, medium shot.
00:51-01:02 – Ice accumulation glaze with passing traffic, two shots, wide/tight.
01:02-01:16 – Ice accumulation on vehicle, wide/medium/tight shots.
01:17-01:22 – Ice accumulation on tree with house in background, wide shot.
01:23-02:50 – Assorted views of ice accumulation on trees, shrubbery, railings, bird feeders and landscape. Wide/medium/tight.

SID: Blake Naftel
#miwx #icestorm #winterstorm

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