Winter storm slams Lagrange, NY With Heavy Snow And High Winds – 2/1/2021

Southern Dutchess County NY received about 15″ of snow from this Nor’Easter, which lasted well into Monday night. Strong winds blew the snow into near blizzard conditions.
Shot Description

SHOT 1 & 2: Timelapse of the snow accumulation all day and night.
SHOT 3: A snow plow drives past.
SHOT 4: An emergency vehicle drives past.
SHOT 5: A person shoveling snow, as a small snow plow operates behind him.
SHOT 6: Strong winds blowing snow past a street light.
SHOT 7, 8, 9: Strong winds blowing snow into intricate shapes on the tops of roofs.
SHOT 10: Wind-driven snowpast a set of street lights in a parking lot.
SHOT 11 & 12: Snow piled up, blowing and drifting on the roof of a building.

SID: David Lewison

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