4/7/2015 Bates County Missouri Tornado Warning Lightning

Linn County, Kansas and Bates County, Missouri had an electrifying evening the night of April 7, 2015. Just after sunset storsm initiated on the front that dropped southeast out of northwest Kansas and Southeast Nebraska. The storm became severe as it was exiting Linn County, KS and entering Bates county, MO. This storm had beautiful cloud to cloud lighting and an electric shot of inter-cloud lightning. The storm became tornado warned as well.

1. Driving shot of inter-cloud and cloud to cloud lightning while driving through Archie, MO

2. Driving shot of inter-cloud and, cloud to cloud lightning while driving through Archie, MO

3. Driving shot of inter-cloud and cloud to cloud lightning while driving through Archie, MO

4. Wide angle lightning bolts while in Archie, MO

5. Wide angle lightning shots while in Archie, MO

6. Driving shot of bright cloud to cloud lightning bold while driving south on Interstate 49

7. Driving shot of lightning while driving south on Interstate 49

8. Driving shot of cloud to cloud lightning bolts while driving south on Interstate 49

9. Driving shot of Inter-cloud lightning on the southeast side of the Bates County, MO tornado warned cell

10. Driving shot of Inter-cloud lightning on the southeast side of the Bates County, MO tornado warned cell showing a little bit of the structure

11. Driving shot of Inter-cloud lightning on the southeast side of the Bates County, MO tornado warned cell showing a little bit of the structure

12.Driving shot of Inter-cloud lightning on the southeast side of the Bates County, MO tornado warned cell showing a little bit of the structure

13. Driving shot of Inter-cloud lightning on the southeast side of the Bates County, MO tornado warned cell showing a little bit of the structure