Hurricane Ian Eye Wall Starts To Hit Boca Grande, FL – 9/28/2022

Footage from the start of the eye wall as the eye of Hurricane Ian begins to make landfall on Boca Grande, FL. Footage of the violent waves after the water returns to the bay from earlier this morning. Debris on the road and the start of the Cat 4 wind gusts as the eye approaches.
Shot Description

00:00 Extreme winds and waves.
00:23 Debris covering the road on the bridge to the island.
00:32 High winds over the water.
00:44 Palm trees blowing in the wind with the road.
00:51 Palm trees blowing in the wind at the beach.
01:00 Water returning into the sound after being blown out earlier this morning.
01:18 Debris on the road

SID: Simon Brewer Juston Drake
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