Boulder County Grassfire From 110MPH Winds – 12/30/2021

Large Grassfire in between Boulder and Superior, Colorado as a Wind event exceeds forecast expectation with 105+ MPH wind gusts along the front range foothills! Also includes the Pyro cumulus cloud.

Shot Description

1. Grass fire in 100MPH wind gusts spreads East of Boulder
2. Timelapse of Grass fire smoke in 100 mph winds
3. Pan of smoke plume looking down N95th Rd.
4. Smoke climbing into a Pyro Cumulus cloud
5. Timelapse of smoke climbing into Pyro Cumulus
6. Down wind view of smoke plume
7. Timelapse of growing fire in very strong wind gusts
8. Billowing Pyro Cumulus cloud
9. Very strong wind gusts hit Boulder as fire grows

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