9/10/2014 Duluth, MN Lake Superior Gale Warning Huge Waves – B-Roll

As the much colder weather moves into the region, it is bringing along with it some extreme winds that are creating Gale Force Winds which are equivalent to tropical storm force winds.

Video Package highlighting the extreme gale Force winds within the Gale Warning on Lake Superior\'s south Shore. Extreme Wind & Wave Action on Lake Superiors South Shore and Duluth Harbor. Footage of people surfing and massive waves.

Video package Includes:

1. 14 foot waves crashing into Duluth Harbor.

2-6. A Minnesota local surfer in a wet suit surfing on the frigid cold and dangerous waters of Lake Superior in the Gale Warning Area with 10-14 foot waves in the breakers near Duluth Harbor.

7. A Red Flag has been rose at the US Coast Guard Office in Duluth indicating the Gale Warning!

8. Surf violently crashing on shore in Downtown Duluth at the lunch hour.

9. Waters of Lake Superior being muddied in the heavy surf with beach wave action up to 13 feet high in severe surf.

10. Debris and trees being tossed in the breakers along with beach erosion occurring on the south shore in the strong gale force north winds.

11. Wave action on Lake Superior with wave high action of 7-13 feet!

12. Waves smashing into Duluth Harbor with the historic lift bridge as a back drop.

13. Flags being whipped in the Gale Force winds.

14. Huge waves crash into the shore near Duluth with the entire city skyline as a backdrop.