Hurricane Irma – Key West Category 4 Winds knocks Meteorologists Down

Video from the eye wall of Hurricane Irma slamming into the Key West, FL area just before sunrise and after daybreak with 120+ MPH Winds. All footage shot during morning darkness and daylight shots on September 10, 2017 in/near Key West, FL by Meteorologists Juston Drake and Simon Brewer Shot Description Clip 1 – 2 Juston Drake trying to take wind measurements. Clip 3 A Honda being blasted by the Category 4 Hurricane Force Winds Clip 4 Meteorologist Juston Drake getting out of the vehicle to take wind speed measurements and being beat down by the wind. Clip 5 Extreme Winds Clip 6 Meteorologist Simon Brewer getting blasted by the Cat 4 Hurricane to try and obtain wind speed measurements.