New Athens, IL Kaskaskia River Flooding

Major River Flooding continues along the Kaskaskia River southeast of St. Louis where efforts continue along the river to prevent major issues in the towns along the banks.  The river currently is at 92.09 feet at New Athens (flood stage is 79 feet).  New Athens pumping station is running non-stop as water levels continue to rise along the river.  Many roads surrounding the town are blocked by flood waters and several homes are surrounded or inundated by the waters.

Scene 1-2: Kaskaskia Riverhouse Bar with only the rooftop visible in the flood waters.

Scene 3: Road May Flood sign with flooding behind it.

Scene 4-5: Shots of a bridge completely covered by water showing only the guardrails.

Scene 6: Shot of apickup truck driving through flood waters on a road.

Scene 7: Vehicle stops on the other side of flooded roadway.

Scene 8-9: House with porch light on with bottom story flooded.

Scene 10-13: Shots of bulldozer in flood waters slowly making its way to a house.  It was hired by the resident to build up the areas around the house to protect it from the flooding.

Scene 14-15: Shots of the New Athens pump house building.

Scene 16-18: Shots of a water pump shooting water into a flood plain on the dry side of the levee to attempt to relieve water pressure.

Scene 19: A house in flood waters.

Scene 20-21: A country road outside of town with only the tops of street signs visible in the flood waters. One tight shot, one wide shot.

Scene 22: Shot of power pole in flood waters of the river.

Scene 23-24: Ameren trucks watching the levee.